20 things I've learned from my clients (even the ones who didn't finish)
I’ve worked with a lot of writers.
I remember all of them.
Even if I can't immediately remember their names or only worked with them for a short time, I remember their books.
I remember…
The writer that I knew if she could just get the book finished, she’d have no problem with publishing and marketing. But getting the book written? Was like pulling teeth without anesthesia.
The Book That Never Was. The author kept having a crisis of imagination. Every time we spoke, she had reworked, rewritten, and reimagined the entire book. I loved our chats, but she never finished her novel. "I've decided I don't want to publish a novel," she told me. "I want to keep writing stories for myself." Quitting can be an enormous act of courage.
Another writer who argued with everything I said. Our calls were exhausting. I dreaded every single one of them. But I believed in that book and the ability of the author.
Being a book coach is not only about me helping writers, it’s also how much they teach me.
20 random things I’ve learned about writers:
Writers write.
Writers have a core group of anxieties that they all share. Those anxieties never go away.
Writers are filled with curiosity about themselves, other people, the world.
Writers that read have a deeper understanding of storytelling than those that don’t.
Writers need lots of time to rest and stare at the wall and daydream.
Writers can spend too much time in their head and not enough time on the page.
Writers who take risks in their writing write their best stories.
Writers love to share their work with the world, even if they sometimes hate what the world has to say.
Writers are the bravest people, constantly throwing their deepest dreams into the world.
Writers need an outline for their writing. They also need the freedom to explore and discover what they’re writing as they write it.
Writers who fail and then pick themselves up over and over learn from their mistakes and get better faster.
Writing is a process of self-discovery.
Writers need to fill their well of inspiration constantly.
Writers need a network of peers, writers, and happy people to share themselves and their work with.
Writers are their own worst critics.
Writers sometimes need to be told how amazing they are so they remember themselves.
Writers usually have at least one shitty first book that lives forever in their desk drawer.
Writers speak their truth.
Writers can have a hard time writing THE END.
Writers are dreamers who make their dreams reality and, in turn, create the reality of the world.
Whether challenging or easygoing, I'm awed by every writer I work with.
I’m constantly learning something new about myself and the amazing writers I work with.
My name is Jocelyn.
Story warrior, book lover, day dreamer, gardener, and creative. I help serious writers roll up their sleeves, get their novel ready for publishing, and reach readers. When I’m not elbow-deep in the story trenches, I’m outside world-building in my garden and battling weeds with my three criminal mastermind cats.