Posts in Book Coaching
Navigating the Ups and Downs: A Guide to the Writing Process

Embarking on the writing process is an emotional rollercoaster filled with highs and lows, yet it's a critical path to mastering the craft of writing a book.

Whether you're refining your first draft or venturing into the uncharted territory of writing your next book, the writing process is more than just a means to an end. A structured yet flexible framework, it supports and shapes your creative vision, transforming raw ideas into a compelling narrative.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
Balancing Daily Life and Writing Goals

We're a week and a half into 2024. How are you doing so far?

I was chatting with friends the other day about the elusive quest for life balance, especially when it comes to writing. As we delved into our routines and challenges, it become clear that none of us are very balanced.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
Is traditional publishing right for you? Let’s look at the pros and cons.

Sometimes authors come to me with elaborate fantasies of what they think traditional publishing is and not what is real. The dream they’re chasing involves signing a contract with a big New York agent in Times Square, going on an epic Rolling Stones national book tour, and seeing a cardboard cutout of themselves next to a table of their novels in every airport from Los Angeles to Boston. Traditional publishing is viewed as a mythical kingdom where the streets are paved with gold. The reality is much different. In this post, we're going to talk about a few of these realities.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
get over your 💩 – 5 reasons you need to let that first book go and start on the next

Countless broken and not-quite-working novels sit in hard drives, boxes, and drawers. They’re often unfinished because of poor planning, ambiguous stories, lack of persistence, and sometimes inadequate skills. Millions of those have been in a perpetual cycle of redevelopment, rewrite, and edit. One of the most difficult groups of authors I work with are those who have been toiling away on the same book for decades. They have written nothing else.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
why it’s important to ask for help

Writers come to me as a book coach with a variety of writing issues ranging from getting started, keeping going, finishing, and publishing. Sometimes they have notes on a napkin, sometimes they’ve finished a full draft. ​In the majority of cases, I wish they’d come to me sooner–before their small issues had grown into the Grand Canyon sized issues.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
It's Vegas Baby!

There are roughly 1900 writers at this conference. All in various stages of writing, publishing, and earning. It’s the largest indie publishing event in the world. There are sessions on business, marketing, craft, publishing, mind set, author panels, and genre meetups. It’s like the Caesars Palace Bacchanal Buffet of the writing industry.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
here it is, your very own Fairy Godmother Wand 🪄

There is literally some sort of book writing offer everywhere you turn. And they frequently (not necessarily maliciously) overcomplicate the writing process. Consequently, many writers constantly seek one silver bullet solution after another. How to write is definitely important, but let’s be honest with each other, how many workshops do you really need? How many books? How many $27 webinars? Week-long seminars?

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Book CoachingJocelyn
the art of doing nothing

Asked how they find inspiration, viewers responded with answers like take a shower, go for a hike, clean house, watch a movie, talk to a friend, and so on. I absolutely agree with all those answers. But, I’ve been thinking a lot about another side of inspiration—doing nothing at all.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
swipe right beta readers

Beta readers are an essential part of the writing process, but finding the right ones can feel like searching for the love of your life on Tinder. A beta reader is a stand-in for your book’s eventual reader audience. A good beta reader will help you see what’s on the page and what’s not, and give you a good sense of how your audience will respond to your book after it’s published.

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Book CoachingJocelyn