writing advice from the playground

Every author—whether you’re Stephen King or an unknown self-published romance writer—has people helping them reach their goals. Check out the acknowledgements page of any book and you’ll find lists of people who helped that author get that book in your hands.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
walk out the door

But if you follow the self-made pull yourself up by your bootstraps myth then asking for help makes your skin crawl. It can make you feel vulnerable and stupid. Like, shouldn’t I have figured this out on my own? There’s asking for help and then there’s asking for a quick fix.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
Love and money - looking for that sweet spot, part 3

When you spend time thinking about what genre you’re writing in, developing characters, the world your story takes place in, what will appeal to an agent or a reader, and all the other questions about what your book is going to be like when it’s finished, who will receive it, and how it will be received--you’re writing in the sweet spot.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
love and money – what’s love got to do with it? , part 2

When a new author asks me, “How is it possible to write novels and make money?” ​I say, “You give your audience what they want to buy.” Yet this very idea makes some authors wrinkle their noses like they’ve lifted the lid on a container of something that’s gone forgotten and fuzzy at the back of the fridge. But writing for your audience isn’t about being a sellout and writing crap.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
love and money – i will always love you, part 1

At some point, you’ve probably heard, “Write what you love. Who cares what anyone thinks? You need to write for yourself. If it’s good enough, people will buy it.” When you’re writing what you love, you don’t have to think about your audience, the industry, reviews, or anything outside of yourself. It’s all about you. You write for passion. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
writing a novel is hell 😈

The slow death-by-a-thousands cuts of your confidence. Or maybe it's one specific event that broke your heart and confidence in your stories. Either way, something happened that told you your writing isn't safe with other people and you need to be protected. Although we never lose that full-body desire to tell stories, we don’t want to get laughed at, rejected, or criticized.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
there's a deflated Dorito Duffle in my closet

The slow death-by-a-thousands cuts of your confidence. Or maybe it's one specific event that broke your heart and confidence in your stories. Either way, something happened that told you your writing isn't safe with other people and you need to be protected. Although we never lose that full-body desire to tell stories, we don’t want to get laughed at, rejected, or criticized.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
pulling the plug on your writing

The slow death-by-a-thousands cuts of your confidence. Or maybe it's one specific event that broke your heart and confidence in your stories. Either way, something happened that told you your writing isn't safe with other people and you need to be protected. Although we never lose that full-body desire to tell stories, we don’t want to get laughed at, rejected, or criticized.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
you're in at home

The slow death-by-a-thousands cuts of your confidence. Or maybe it's one specific event that broke your heart and confidence in your stories. Either way, something happened that told you your writing isn't safe with other people and you need to be protected. Although we never lose that full-body desire to tell stories, we don’t want to get laughed at, rejected, or criticized.

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Book CoachingJocelyn
your Barbie confidence plan is inside

The slow death-by-a-thousands cuts of your confidence. Or maybe it's one specific event that broke your heart and confidence in your stories. Either way, something happened that told you your writing isn't safe with other people and you need to be protected. Although we never lose that full-body desire to tell stories, we don’t want to get laughed at, rejected, or criticized.

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Book CoachingJocelyn